8 December > 15 December 2024




Serena Gamba

In collaboration with Lunetta11

Opening 8/12/2024 h 11:00
8/12 > 15/12/2024

Casa Gramsci, Turin

The scholar Frances Yates said that "memory history embraces the history of culture as a whole" and "The barriers between different disciplines, between natural and human sciences, between art and literature, between philosophy and religion, disappear in the history of memory". Serena Gamba through the word, sign and form creates new visions by drawing its raw material from the universal memory. A method and discipline that has its roots in some of the key moments of European culture over the last five hundred years: from the Renaissance visions of Giulio Camillo, to the kabbalistic, alchemical and magical symbolism of Robert Fludd, Goethe’s intuition of world literature, up to the mad and brilliant attempt by Aby Warburg to create a universal archive.

This density of memory and references are expressed in the works of Serena Gamba with lightness, that calvinian, which brings to the walls of our homes a precious memory: "With myths one should not be in a hurry; it is better to let them deposit in memory, stop to meditate on every detail, and think about it without leaving their language of images." (Italo Calvino)

Not belonging to the earth is therefore a journey, towards New York, towards the Italian classical art and towards Christmas through the Journey of the Magi by Sassetta. Serena Gamba with her tension to create new visions, for the exhibition at Casa Gramsci disrupts its poetics going beyond the word and choosing the purity of color.  The exhibition is accompanied by the poster «Made in Popolo», now in its seventh issue, with a text signed by linguist Roberto Vetrugno.

An exhibition curated by Lunetta11 and NP-ArtLab in collaboration with NH Collection Piazza Carlina and the Istituto Gramsci of Turin.

Spazi espositivi privati
NP ArtLab
Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 1/C
35122 - Padova (PD)
NP Viewing Room
C.so Monforte 23
20122 - Milano (MI)

NP ArtLab – Srl a socio unico
sede legale | headquarter
P.zza Capitaniato 16
35139 - Padova | Padua (PD)
P.IVA: IT05371000281