July 2022
The short film "Anémic Cinéma” by Marcel Duchamp has been restored
Hypnotic and provocative, “Anémic Cinéma” is the cinematographic work realized by Marcel Duchamp's female alter ego, Rrose Sélavy, together with the Dadaist Man Ray as director of photography. “Anémic Cinéma” is a milestone in the experimental film movement of the 1920s and features a series of 19 hypnotic rotating discs, called “rotoreliefs" by Duchamp. In order to create them, Duchamp painted circular drawings and he made them turning on a phonograph: this is how he obtained the optical illusion of depth. These images, moving clockwise, alternate with sentences in French that rotate counterclockwise: according to the Dadaist style, full of puns and alliterations, they are sexually allusive expressions. Originally released as a silent film, thanks to Aeon's digital restoration, it is now accompanied by composer William Pearson's soundtrack.
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